
The following civil society groups and networks have endorsed the statement for inclusive global governance (in alphabetical order and here sorted by country). Note that new endorsements are received continuously. Sign here!

  1. Humanitarian Organization for Motivation and Empowerment (HOME), Afghanistan
  2. Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare, Albania
  3. Democracia Global - Movimiento por la Unión Sudamericana y el Parlamento Mundial, Argentina
  4. Democracy Today, Armenia
  5. World Citizens Association Australia (WCAA), Australia
  6. Cultural Infusion, Australia/International
  7. Mehr Demokratie! Österreich, Austria
  8. Human and Global Development Research Institute, Austria/International
  9. Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication, Bangladesh
  10. Manusher Jonno Foundation, Bangladesh
  11. Charity foundation Strana dlya zhizni, Belarus
  12. Institute of Cultural Affairs-Benin, Benin
  13. Reacción Climática, Bolivia
  14. Botswana Council of Non-Governmental Organisations, Botswana
  15. ABA Global Education, Brazil
  16. Academia Internacional de Cibernética Social Proporcionalista, Brazil/International
  17. Plataforma CIPÓ, Brazil/International
  18. Society for Civic Participation and Direct Democracy, Bulgaria
  19. Cameroon Vision (CAMVISION) Trust, Cameroon
  20. The Global Sunrise Project, Canada
  21. World Federalist Movement-Canada, Canada
  22. Human Equity Fund, Canada/International
  23. Progressive World Federalists, Canada/International
  24. Fundación Agenda Ciudadana, Chile
  25. Mulabi - Latin American Space for Sexualities and Rights, Costa Rica
  26. Croatian Pugwash Group, Croatia
  27. Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic/International
  28. Global Focus, Denmark
  29. Fundación Mujer & Mujer, Ecuador
  30. Arab Center for Cyberspace Research, Egypt
  31. Egyptian Green Party, Egypt
  32. The Voluntary Team for Humanitarian Action, Egypt
  33. The International Union for Experts of Sustainable Development, Egypt/International
  34. CECADE - Centro de Capacitación y promoción de la Democracia, El Salvador/International
  35. Conseil International Représentatif des Biculturels Francophones et Francophiles, France/International
  36. Brot für die Welt, Germany
  37. Mehr Demokratie, Germany
  38. Sino Euro Voices, Germany
  39. World Citizen School Alliance, Germany
  40. Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV), Germany/International
  41. AbibiNsroma Foundation, Ghana
  42. Centre for Muslim Youth In Peace and Development, Ghana
  43. ATRAHDOM, Guatemala
  44. Parlement des Jeunes Leaders de la Société Civile Guinéenne, Guinea
  45. Forum Intégré pour l'Éducation et la Stabilité Économique, Haiti
  46. Observatoire National pour la Démocratie et l’Environnement (ONADE), Haiti
  47. Union des Amis Socio Culturels d'Action en Developpement, Haiti
  48. Asociación Para Una Vida Mejor de Personas Infectadas / Afectadas por el VIH-Sida en Honduras (APUVIMEH), Honduras
  49. Global Citizenship Union, Hong Kong/International
  50. Association For Promotion Sustainable Development, India
  51. Citizens' Radio, India
  52. Indian Social Service Institute, India
  53. Morya Samajik Pratishthan, India
  54. Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), India
  55. UDYAMA, India
  56. Red Dot Foundation, India/International
  57. Indonesian Club, Indonesia
  58. Inspirator Muda Nusantara, Indonesia
  59. Jaringan Aktivis Kemanusiaan Internasional (JAKI), Indonesia/International
  60. Accountability Lab, International
  61. Action for Sustainable Development, International
  62. ActionAid International, International
  63. Africans Defenders, International
  64. Asia Democracy Network, International
  65. Asia Development Alliance, International
  66. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), International
  67. Asian Network for Free Elections, International
  68. Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA), International
  69. Association of World Citizens, International
  70. Atlas Movement (formerly NOW!), International
  71. Avaaz, International
  72. Bridging Ventures, International
  73. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, International
  74. Coalition for the UN We Need, International
  75. Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, International
  76. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, International
  77. Congregation of the Mission, International
  78. Defend Defenders, International
  79. Democracy & Culture Foundation, International
  80. Democracy International, International
  81. Democracy Without Borders, International
  82. Disrupt Development, International
  83. Earth Constitution Institute, International
  84. Edmund Rice International, International
  85. Forus International, International
  86. Global Call to Action Against Poverty, International
  87. Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, International
  88. Global Nation, International
  89. Greenpeace, International
  90. HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement, International
  91. International Alliance of Women, International
  92. International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), International
  93. International Presentation Association, International
  94. International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP), International
  95. Iswe Foundation, International
  96. Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (REDLAD), International
  97. Medical IMPACT, International
  98. Open Society Foundations, International
  99. Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, International
  100. Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association, International
  101. Pax Christi International, International
  102. School of Civic Education, International
  103. Soroptimist International, International
  104. South Asian Federalists, International
  105. Stop Fighting Start Voting, International
  106. The Nature Conservancy, International
  107. The Unforgotten, International
  108. Together 2030, International
  109. Together First, International
  110. Tournons La Page, International
  111. UNANIMA International, International
  112. VIVAT International, International
  113. World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, International
  114. World Roma Federation, International
  115. Young European Federalists, International
  116. Young World Federalists, International
  117. Kurdistan Without Genocide, Iraq
  118. Organization Against Weapons of Mass Destruction in Kurdistan‎, Iraq
  119. Organization of the Justice Campaign, Iraq
  120. World without chemical and biological weapons, Iraq
  121. Einstein Centre for International Studies (CESI), Italy
  122. Movimento Federalista Europeo, Italy
  123. Fondazione Proclade Internazionale Onlus, Italy/International
  124. Jamaica Environmental Entrepreneurs Advocacy Network, Jamaica
  125. Emonyo Yefwe International, Kenya
  126. Kenyan Paraplegic Organization, Kenya
  127. Kijiji Yeetu, Kenya
  128. One More Percent, Kenya
  129. The Demography Project, Kenya
  130. Friends of Franbarnie International, Liberia
  131. Youth Action for Rural Development in Liberia, Liberia
  132. Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana, Liberia
  133. African Child Agape Foundation, Malawi
  134. Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP), Malawi
  135. Halley Movement Coalition, Mauritius
  136. Consejo Regional Indígena y Popular de Xpujil, Mexico
  137. Jade Propuestas Sociales y Alternativas al Desarrollo, A.C., Mexico
  138. MY World Mexico, Mexico
  139. Agora, Mexico/International
  140. European Institute for Political Studies in Moldova, Moldova
  141. LEDA - Liderança, Educação, Democracia, Artes e Ambiente, Mozambique
  142. Freedom Forum Nepal, Nepal
  143. NGO Federation of Nepal, Nepal
  144. National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal, Nepal
  145. Stichting Mission Lanka, Netherlands
  146. United Nations Association for the Netherlands, Netherlands
  147. Wemos, Netherlands
  148. Leadership4SDGs, Netherlands/International
  149. Transnational Institute, Netherlands/International
  150. Collectif des organisations de défense des droits de l’Homme et de la démocratie (CODDHD), Niger
  151. Réseau Nigérien des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (RNDDH), Niger
  152. Association of World Peace Advocates, Nigeria
  153. Bays Planet Foundation, Nigeria
  154. Children and Young People Living for Peace, Nigeria
  155. Dr Uzo Adirieje Foundation (DUZAFOUND), Nigeria
  156. Keen and Care Initiative (KCI), Nigeria
  157. Nigerian Network of NGOs, Nigeria
  158. Nkafamiya Rescue Mission, Nigeria
  159. Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment, Nigeria
  160. West Africa Action Network on Small Arms Nigeria, Nigeria
  161. Afrihealth Optonet Association, Nigeria/International
  162. Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development, Nigeria/International
  163. Al Mumtaz Welfare Society, Pakistan
  164. Pakistan Development Alliance, Pakistan
  165. Creativity Lab for Empowerment and Innovation, Palestine
  166. ONG Maqay, Peru
  167. Koberwitz 1924, Inc. Center for Bio-Dynamic Agriculture, Health, Nutrition and Education, Philippines
  168. Asociatia GEYC, Romania
  169. Moscow Helsinki Group, Russia
  170. Centre for Human Rights-Nis, Serbia
  171. Bareedo Platform Somalia, Somalia
  172. ISIZIBA Community Based Organizations of South Africa, South Africa
  173. Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, South Africa
  174. United Nations Association of South Africa, South Africa
  175. African Alliance, South Africa/International
  176. Ecology Africa Foundation, South Africa/International
  177. The May 18 Memorial Foundation, South Korea
  178. Federación de Asociaciones Jóvenes Europeístas de España- JEF Spain, Spain
  179. Impact Voices - The Social Innovation Intermediary, Sri Lanka
  180. SUNFO, Sri Lanka/International
  181. RSMH Landskrona fågel Fenix, Sweden
  182. United Nations Association of Stenungsund, Tjörn and Orust, Sweden
  183. Global Challenges Foundation, Sweden/International
  184. Global Governance Forum, Switzerland/International
  185. Swiss Democracy Foundation, Switzerland/International
  186. Hope for Women and Children, Tanzania
  187. Refugee Youth Empowerment Network, Tanzania
  188. People’s Empowerment Foundation, Thailand
  189. Right Livelihood College Bangkok, Thailand
  190. Association Global Humaniste, Togo
  191. Challenges Togo, Togo
  192. Amis des Étrangers au Togo, Togo/International
  193. Intersection Association for Rights and Freedoms, Tunisia/International
  194. EPE Movement, Turkey/International
  195. African Youth Charter Hustlers - Uganda, Uganda
  196. Students for Global Democracy Uganda, Uganda
  197. Uganda Peace Foundation, Uganda
  198. Resilient40, Uganda/International
  199. Federalist Party of the United Kingdom, UK
  200. Global Justice Now, UK
  201. National Alliance of Women's Organisations, UK
  202. One World Trust, UK
  203. Red Line Art Works, UK
  204. The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, UK
  205. United Nations Association-UK, UK
  206. AlphaZULU Advocates, UK/International
  207. Global Peace and Prosperity Forum, UK/International
  208. International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (SIMPOL), UK/International
  209. Widows Rights International, UK/International
  210. World Basic Income, UK/International
  211. Citizens for Global Solutions, United States
  212. Global Voice, United States
  213. Initiative and Referendum Institute at University of Southern California, United States
  214. Peace Day Philly, United States
  215. Ramapough Lenape Nation, United States
  216. Stimson Center's Global Governance, Justice and Security Program, United States
  217. UNA USA Council of Organizations, United States
  218. Article 20 Network, United States/International
  219. Center for War & Peace Studies, United States/International
  220. Democratic World Federalists, United States/International
  221. FutureWAVE, United States/International
  222. Global Distribution Advocates, United States/International
  223. Let There Be Light, United States/International
  224. Maka Si Tomni institute, United States/International
  225. Sisters of Charity Federation, United States/International
  226. Unity Earth, United States/International
  227. Erkin O'Zbekiston, Uzbekistan
  228. The Center of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (CIHLHR), Yemen
  229. Rethink Youth Platform, Zambia
  230. United Nations Youth Association of Zambia, Zambia
  231. Global Compassion Genuine Vision, Zimbabwe
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