- ABA Global Education, Brazil
- AbibiNsroma Foundation, Ghana
- Academia Internacional de Cibernética Social Proporcionalista, Brazil, International
- Accountability Lab, International
- Accountability Lab Nigeria, Nigeria
- Action for Sustainable Development, International
- ActionAid International, International
- African Alliance, International, South Africa
- African Child Agape Foundation, Malawi
- African Youth Charter Hustlers – Uganda, Uganda
- Africans Defenders, International
- Afrihealth Optonet Association, International, Nigeria
- AfroLeadership, Cameroon
- Agora, International, Mexico
- Al Mumtaz Welfare Society, Pakistan
- AlphaZULU Advocates, International, UK
- ALVA-Albanian Values, Albania
- Amis des Étrangers au Togo, International, Togo
- Appui Solidaire Pour Le Renforcement De L Aide Au Developpement, Mali
- Arab Center for Cyberspace Research, Egypt
- Article 20 Network, International, USA
- Asia Democracy Network, International
- Asia Development Alliance, International
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), International
- Asian Network for Free Elections, International
- Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA), International
- Asociación Centro de Capacitación y Promoción de la Democracia (CECADE), El Salvador
- Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar a Domicilio y de Maquila (ATRAHDOM), Gutemala
- Asociacion Educativa Hispanoamericana, Peru
- Asociación Para Una Vida Mejor de Personas Infectadas / Afectadas por el VIH-Sida en Honduras (APUVIMEH), Honduras
- Association “Institute Perspectives”, Bulgaria
- Association d’Aide à l’Education de l’Enfant Handicapé ( AAEEH), France
- Association de Lutte Contre les Violences Sexuelles et Appui à la Promotion du Développement Durable (ALUCOVIS-APDD), Burundi
- Association des Volontaires pour l’Environnement Sain, Togo
- Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD, Georgia
- Association For Promotion Sustainable Development, India
- Association Global Humaniste, Togo
- Association My Contribution, Burkina Faso
- Association of World Citizens, International
- Association of World Peace Advocates, Nigeria
- Asuntos del Sur, Argentina
- Atlas Movement, International
- ATRAHDOM, Guatemala
- Avaaz, International
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication, Bangladesh
- Bareedo Platform Somalia, Somalia
- Bays Planet Foundation, Nigeria
- Botswana Council of Non-Governmental Organisations, Botswana
- Bridging Ventures, International
- Brot für die Welt, Germany
- Bunge Mashinani Organization, Kenya
- Bureau Burgerberaad, Netherlands
- Cameroon Vision (CAMVISION) Trust, Cameroon
- CECADE – Centro de Capacitación y promoción de la Democracia, El Salvador, International
- Center for Global Nonkilling, USA
- Center for Peace Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria
- Center for UN Constitutional Research, Belgium
- Center for War & Peace Studies, International, USA
- Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research, Nigeria
- Centre for Human Rights-Nis, Serbia
- Centre for Muslim Youth In Peace and Development, Ghana
- Centro Mexicano de Responsabilidad Global (CEMERG) A.C., Mexico
- Challenges Togo, Togo
- Charity foundation Strana dlya zhizni, Belarus
- Children and Young People Living for Peace, Nigeria
- Citizens for Global Solutions, USA
- Citizens’ Radio, India
- Ciudadanía Inteligente, Chile
- CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, International
- Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS), Netherlands
- Co-design Tools, Australia
- Coalition for the UN We Need, International
- Coglobal, Spain
- Collectif des organisations de défense des droits de l’Homme et de la démocratie (CODDHD), Niger
- Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, International
- Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, International
- Congregation of the Mission, International
- Conseil International Représentatif des Biculturels Francophones et Francophiles, France, International
- Consejo Chileno de Prospectiva y Estrategia, Chile
- Consejo Regional Indígena y Popular de Xpujil, Mexico
- Conservation Alive Kenya, Kenya
- Creativity Lab for Empowerment and Innovation, Palestine
- Croatian Pugwash Group, Croatia
- Cultural Infusion, Australia, International
- DD Foundation, Center for Democracy, Estonia
- Defend Defenders, International
- Democracia Global – Movimiento por la Unión Sudamericana y el Parlamento Mundial, Argentina
- Democracy & Culture Foundation, International
- Democracy International, International
- Democracy School gUG, Germany
- Democracy Today, Armenia
- Democracy Without Borders, International
- Democratic World Federalists, International, USA
- Digital Agenda for Tanzania Initiative, Tanzania
- Disrupt Development, International
- Dr Uzo Adirieje Foundation (DUZAFOUND), Nigeria
- Dreamocracy, Belgium
- Earth Constitution Institute, International
- Ecology Africa Foundation, International, South Africa
- Edmund Rice International, International
- Education for All Coalition, USA
- Egyptian Green Party, Egypt
- Einstein Centre for International Studies (CESI), Italy
- Emonyo Yefwe International, Kenya
- Empower India, India
- Environmental Defense Fund, USA
- EPE Movement, International, Turkey
- Erkin O’Zbekiston, Uzbekistan
- European Alternatives, France
- European Institute for Political Studies in Moldova, Moldova
- Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
- Federación de Asociaciones Jóvenes Europeístas de España- JEF Spain, Spain
- Federalist Party of the United Kingdom, UK
- Federation for Innovation in Democracy – North America, Brussels
- Fondazione Proclade Internazionale Onlus, International, Italy
- Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic, International
- Forum Intégré pour l’Éducation et la Stabilité Économique, Haiti
- Forus International, International
- Foundation of Peace, Spain
- Freedom Forum Nepal, Nepal
- Friends of Franbarnie International, Liberia
- Fundación Agenda Ciudadana, Chile
- Fundación Mujer & Mujer, Ecuador
- Fundacja Pole Dialogu (Field of Dialogue Foundation), Poland
- FutureWAVE, International, USA
- Glassroots, Belgium
- Global Call to Action Against Poverty, International
- Global Challenges Foundation, International, Sweden
- Global Citizenship Union, Hong Kong, International
- Global Compassion Genuine Vision, Zimbabwe
- Global Distribution Advocates, International, USA
- Global Focus, Denmark
- Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, International
- Global Governance Forum, International, Switzerland
- Global Governance Innovation Network, USA
- Global Justice Now, UK
- Global Nation, International
- Global Participe, DRC
- Global Peace and Prosperity Forum, International, UK
- Global Voice, USA
- Greenpeace, International
- Group of the European Youth for Change (GEYC), Romania
- Halley Movement Coalition, Mauritius
- Healthcare Rehabilitation and Research Initiative, Nigeria
- Hope for Women and Children, Tanzania
- Human Equity Fund, Canada, International
- Humanitarian Organization for Motivation and Empowerment (HOME), Afghanistan
- HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement, International
- Impact Voices – The Social Innovation Intermediary, Sri Lanka
- Inclusive Education for Sustainable Development (IESD), Zambia
- Indian Social Service Institute, India
- Indonesian Club, Indonesia
- Initiative and Referendum Institute at University of Southern California, USA
- Innovation for Policy Foundation, Mauritius
- Inspirator Muda Nusantara, Indonesia
- Institut du Nouveau Monde, Canada
- Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, South Africa
- Institute of Cultural Affairs-Benin, Benin
- International Alliance of Women, International
- International Center for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of MultiGenarational Legacies of Trauma, USA
- International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), International
- International Presentation Association, International
- International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (SIMPOL), International, UK
- International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP), International
- Intersection Association for Rights and Freedoms, International, Tunisia
- IRUKA Africa Foundation, Nigeria
- IRUKA Foundation, USA
- ISIZIBA Community Based Organizations of South Africa, South Africa
- Iswe Foundation, International
- Jade Propuestas Sociales y Alternativas al Desarrollo, A.C., Mexico
- Jamaica Environmental Entrepreneurs Advocacy Network, Jamaica
- Jaringan Aktivis Kemanusiaan Internasional (JAKI), Indonesia, International
- Jaymore Youth And Family Foundation, Nigeria
- JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), France
- Juventude Negra Política (JNP), Brazil, International
- Keen and Care Initiative (KCI), Nigeria
- Kenyan Paraplegic Organization, Kenya
- Kesho Yetu Initiative, Kenya
- Kijiji Yeetu, Kenya
- Koberwitz 1924, Inc. Center for Bio-Dynamic Agriculture, Health, Nutrition and Education, Philippines
- Kurdish organizations Network Coalition for the International Criminal Court (KONCICC), Iraq
- Kurdistan Without Genocide, Iraq
- Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (REDLAD), International
- Leadership4SDGs, International, Netherlands
- League of Women Voters of the United States, USA
- LEDA – Liderança, Educação, Democracia, Artes e Ambiente, Mozambique
- Let There Be Light, International, USA
- Live in Green, Uganda
- Maka Si Tomni institute, International, USA
-, Paris
- Manusher Jonno Foundation, Bangladesh
- Marea Deliberativa, Spain
- Medical IMPACT, International
- Mehr Demokratie, Germany
- Mehr Demokratie! Österreich, Austria
- Morya Samajik Pratishthan, India
- Moscow Helsinki Group, Russia
- Movement for Environmental Action (MEA), Malawi
- Movimento Federalista Europeo, Italy
- Mulabi – Latin American Space for Sexualities and Rights, Costa Rica
- MY World Mexico, Mexico
- Naanyu CBO, Kenya
- National Alliance of Women’s Organisations, UK
- National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal, Nepal
- Next Generation Global Connect, Ethiopia
- NGO Federation of Nepal, Nepal
- Nigerian Network of NGOs, Nigeria
- Nkafamiya Rescue Mission, Nigeria
- Nyt Europa, Denmark
- Observatoire National pour la Démocratie et l’Environnement (ONADE), Haiti
- Office of the Youth in Maritime (YIMO), Philippines
- One More Percent, Kenya
- One World Trust, UK
- ONG Maqay, Peru
- Open Society Foundations, International
- Organisation de Développement des Recherches Agricole et la Protection de la Nature, DRC
- Organisation paysanne pour le développement durable, DRC
- Organization Against Weapons of Mass Destruction in Kurdistan, Iraq
- Organization of the Justice Campaign, Iraq
- Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, International
- Pakistan Development Alliance, Pakistan
- Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association, International
- Panos Institute Southern Africa, Zambia
- Parlement des Jeunes Leaders de la Société Civile Guinéenne, Guinea
- Participedia, Canada
- Pathways Policy Institute, Kenya
- Pax Christi International, International
- Peace Day Philly, USA
- Peace For Sustainable Development East and Horn of Africa, Somalia
- Peace Heritage Foundation, Nigeria
- People Powered, USA
- People’s Empowerment Foundation, Thailand
- Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP), Malawi
- Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), India
- Phenomenal Youths Association, Zambia
- Plataforma CIPÓ, Brazil, International
- Progressive World Federalists, Canada, International
- Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare, Albania
- Pugwash Croatia, Croatia
- Ramapough Lenape Nation, USA
- Reacción Climática, Bolivia
- Red Dot Foundation, India, International
- Red Line Art Works, UK
- Refugee Youth Empowerment Network, Tanzania
- Reseaau Nigerien des Defenseurs des Droits Humains (RNDDH), Niger
- Réseau Nigérien des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (RNDDH), Niger
- Resilient40, International, Uganda
- Rethink Youth Platform, Zambia
- Right Livelihood College Bangkok, Thailand
- RSMH Landskrona fågel Fenix, Sweden
- Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development, International, Nigeria
- School of Civic Education, International
- Sinatsisa Lubombo Women and Girls Empowerment Organization, Eswatini
- Sino Euro Voices, Germany
- Sisters of Charity Federation, International, USA
- Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Italy
- Smarter Together, Belgium
- Society for Civic Participation and Direct Democracy, Bulgaria
- Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment, Nigeria
- Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV), Germany, International
- Soroptimist International, International
- Sortition Foundation, UK
- Sotgiu, Italia
- South Asian Federalists, International
- Stichting Mission Lanka, Netherlands
- Stimson Center’s Global Governance, Justice and Security Program, USA
- Stop Fighting Start Voting, International
- Students for Global Democracy Uganda, Uganda
- Sudanese Community Refugees Organization, Sudan
- SUNFO, International, Sri Lanka
- Swiss Democracy Foundation, International, Switzerland
- The Americans for Democratic Action Foundation of Southern California, USA
- The Center of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (CIHLHR), Yemen
- The Demography Project, Kenya
- The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, UK
- The Global Sunrise Project, Canada
- The Green Institute, Australia
- The International Union for Experts of Sustainable Development, Egypt, International
- The Life campaign to abolish the death sentence in Kurdistan (LDS), Iraq
- The May 18 Memorial Foundation, South Korea
- The McGill Youth Advisory Delegation, Canada
- The Nature Conservancy, International
- The Populace Foundation International (TPFI), Uganda
- The Unforgotten, International
- The Voluntary Team for Humanitarian Action, Egypt
- Tinker Institute on International Law and Organizations, USA
- Together 2030, International
- Together First, International
- Tournons La Page, International
- Transnational Institute, International, Netherlands
- Trees Initiative Sustainable Agriculture, Kenya
- Tripla Difesa Onlus Guardie Sicurezza Sociale ed Eco Zoofila, Italy
- Tumaini CBO, Kenya
- UDYAMA, India
- Uganda Peace Foundation, Uganda
- UNA USA Council of Organizations, USA
- UNANIMA International, International
- Union des Amis Socio Culturels d’Action en Developpement, Haiti
- UNISC International, Japan
- United Nations Association for the Netherlands, Netherlands
- United Nations Association Harpenden, UK
- United Nations Association of South Africa, South Africa
- United Nations Association of Stenungsund, Tjörn and Orust, Sweden
- United Nations Association-UK, UK
- United Nations Youth Association of Zambia, Zambia
- Unity Earth, International, USA
- Université Beesley Revol, Haiti
- VIVAT International, International
- Wemos, Netherlands
- WeQ Institute, Germany
- West Africa Action Network on Small Arms Nigeria, Nigeria
- Widows Rights International, International, UK
- Willy Obrist Development Research Institute, Austria
- Women’s Academy For Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE), Zimbabwe
- World Basic Income, International, UK
- World Citizen School Alliance, Germany
- World Citizens Association Australia (WCAA), Australia
- World Dream Day, USA
- World Federalist Movement-Canada, Canada
- World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, International
- World Peace Alliance, UK
- World Roma Federation, International
- World Service Authority, International, USA
- World United, Canada
- World without chemical and biological weapons, Iraq
- WorldReach Rights and Climate Center, Uganda
- Yali RDC, DRC
- Young European Federalists, International
- Young World Federalists, International
- Youth Action for Rural Development in Liberia, Liberia
- Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini, Eswatini
- Youth for Change Initiative, Nigeria
- Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana, Liberia
- Youth Transforming Africa Narrative (YOTAN), Liberia
a joint initiative of